March 29, 2016

Battletech Campaign: Who are the Devil's Aces?

"When you make a deal with the devil, you pay him his due"

Back in 2011, I began developing an idea for a Battletech campaign who's genesis came from three sources:
  1. A very good friend of mine, Don, ran a great campaign for GASP back in '08-'09 based on the Operation: Stilleto scenario book and some additions of his own (pilot skills, storyline changes) that had ended.
  2. The excellent Sword & Dragon sourcebook & the Chaos Campaign system released by Catalyst for running linked missions.
  3. My own desire to finally enjoy some consistent Battletech-gaming. 
Out of that impetus, I began diving into the collections of scenario books I owned, but I kept feeling like all of them didn't really "tell" a story, rather invited the players to just be the equivalent of historical reenactors. Sure, fighting the battle of Luthien during the Clan Invasion or storming the gates on Terra is really fun, but I didn't feel like it made the players invest in the game.

Don's GASP campaign had a great approach of encouraging players to create their own pilot and the story was new enough (or vague enough to the overall storyline) that it felt like our actions and our successes mattered. Aside from Sword & Dragon which quantified those successes in WPs though, nothing I could find from Catalyst really created the feel I wanted and that left me one choice - write a campaign. And so the Devil's Aces were born.
Initial Unit Logo I scratch-built
So who are the Devil's Aces?
A: The Devil's Aces are a mercenary unit founded around the time of the 4th Succession War by the son of slain Crucis March nobleman. After a series of events, Virgil Dantes appeared on Outreach as a complicated and brooding man with the money to fund his own army. Forming a unit of misfits and outcasts similar to himself, the Devil's Aces had minor success until disaster befell unit. A contract gone wrong, most of his pilots dispossessed, and on their way back to Outreach, Dantes considered disbanding the unit. Someone had other plans though.

Upon returning to Outreach, Dantes would be met by a Mr. Williams, a shadowy corporate contact, seeking an audience with the Aces to hire them. Despite Dantes explanation of their current operational strength, Mr. Williams explained it wouldn't matter as his Benefactor had considerable resources at their disposal, including a company of Battlemechs that needed a good set of pilots. In fact, to sweeten the deal, Mr. Williams even stated that Dantes' own dispossessed status would be rectified with a new Marauder II that Williams had brought with him to Outreach. Some deals could be too good to be true, but what choice did Dantes have?

In the weeks to come, I'll give you folks a rundown on the two campaigns I've produced so far which I hope you'll find interesting.

March 24, 2016

AAR: Imperial Crackdown Scenario 1

Before you ask... AAR? Means After-Action Report ^_^

Welcome to the first X-Wing AAR of my blog. Glad to have you. We know you have many choices for your blog-reading, but we here at Dropship Inbound thank you for choosing us. Now sit back, enjoy a refreshing distilled-bean beverage or your choice of poison, and we'll soon be at dice-flinging altitude.

Last night marked the first time in a good while that I had been able to get some gaming in. Luckily, my good friend/nemesis, Drew, had just got a new collection of Wave 8 ships and wanted to start the scenarios included with the Gozanti-class Cruiser.

I'm a Star Destroyer, really! See I'm wedge-shaped and look at the TIE's!
First off, Cruiser?? I'll accept it being called an "Assault Carrier", but c'mon, it's not a Star Destroyer. It's not even a Raider. It's a small military vessel built for speed and deploying fighters. It's a Corvette at best, or a Patrol Carrier more specifically. Aside from the bogus classification, I like the ship overall though. Especially considering what happened in the scenario last night.

Scenario 1 sets the scene of a beleaguered Imperial crew trying to track down the pesky kids, the Rebels, who have been egging their transports for months now. Don't they know how hard it is to wash that stuff off? On a whim, a Gozanti Patrol Carrier decides to check out what amounts to a back alley and, surprise, finds a group of the ruffians working on some satellites.

Imperial Forces
  • Gozanti w/ Docking Clamps, Dual Laser Turret(DLT), Broadcast Array, "Vector", & Agent Kallus
  • 2x Academy Pilots
  • "Scourge"
  • "Youngster" w/ Predator  
  • "Kanan Jarrus" VCX-100 w/ "Ghost", "Chopper", Recon Spec., Ion Turret, & Adv. Sensors
  • "Sabine Wren" Atk Shuttle w/ Predator & "Phantom"
  • Blue Squadron Novice w/ AT & R2 Astromech
  • Imperials - Dispatch that pesky Rebel Scum, especially the Wing Leader
  • Rebels - Capture 3 satellites and escape -or- Destroy the Gozanti
Darn kids! Get off my lawn!
Set up was pretty straightforward and we immediately got down to playing.

Turn 1
Umm... it's looking right at us...
Turn 1 was pretty standard setup. I took the Kanan and T-70 left with the Sabine docked for now. Drew took his Gozanti and started driving towards me. Aside from jabs back and forth and making sure we ran the turn order correct, it wasn't that exciting.

Turn 2
The Gozanti Strikes!!!
Turn 2 saw the action get the Spinal Tap treatment. I made a pretty casual bank towards the 1st objective and set myself up for a future run up the side. Drew's Imperials had something to say about that and the Gozanti dove right for me and unleashed a furious hornets nest of TIE's. The initiative was well and truly in his favor. I hoped to thin the herd with some opening salvos from the Ghost and the T-70, but my dice about were as awake as I've been feeling lately. Range 1, 5 Atk Dice shot on the lead Academy Pilot with no focus token. No brainer right? 2 hits, 3 blanks. Ugh... Easily dodged by the young recruit. My follow-up Ion cannon shot to try and hose Scourge was also avoided.

Feeling ever so confident after that impressive display, my T-70 tried to pounce on Youngster and having already used up his focus on a dodge from her shots, my 4 dice yielded me 1 hit... Dice Gods, how have I offended thee?!

Meanwhile, on the winning side, the Imp's laid into the evade-less Ghost. Luckily, the combination of Kanan and the Recon Spec. nerfed his Range 1 advantage and the subsequent Dual Laser fire from the Gozanti. All said and done, I lost 5 shields in the first salvo. Not too bad, but not having a response hurt.

Turn 3

Turn 2 put me on the back foot. The sudden TIE swarm mixed with a lackluster response and a cluster of maneuvering issues in front of me, I had to come up with something or else this story would be "I turned left and I got blown up".
The Ace in the Hole delivered!
I knew I had to punch through the swarm if I was to even have a chance of gaining any range on the TIEs. Luckily, I had a Lando-esque moment of reasoning deciding to dive in on the Gozanti in hopes of getting the TIEs to go from piling on the Ghost to defending the Gozanti. Luckily, it partially worked. The TIE's turned and flipped to get behind me but instead of facing them, I dove in towards the Gozanti. I also risked eliminating my rear arc and deployed Sabine who did a dramatic loop to enter the fray, right behind a cocky Academy recruit.

The damage came fast and furious at that point. Youngster scored 1 glancing blow to the T-70's shields and Scourge punched through the Ghost's armor and dealt me a crit. Damnit! A Console Fire. Not good.

My Rebels responded in kind. Now focused on the big ship in front of me, both the Ghost and the T-70 laid into it, eliminating the shields and scoring a crit of our own (a docking clamp hit.. ugh). Sabine, though, made the Academy Pilot wish he had studied abroad for another semester and reduced him to 1 hull. Lovely Predator rerolls ^_^.

Still the Academy Pups love them some Youngster and her Predator helped them almost cripple the Ghost. Now reduced to a mere 4 hull... I was again able to evade the worst with Kanan's ability.

Overall, this turn revealed the shocking vulnerability of both the Ghost and the Gozanti. Sure it's great having monster hull and shields, but a concentrated swarm of red dice from multiple outlets will bring either of the big brutes to their knees. At the moment I started shooting, Drew realized that my Ghost had more hull, shields, and less Atk Dice than his Gozanti. Ruh-roh-Rorge.

Turn 5
That was too close...
 Turn 5 and now both Drew and I are in the same spot. My Ghost, crippled with a console fire and running out of steam, and a mountain of TIEs on my tail. His Gozanti, hurt and shaken, but still confident with its 360 deg deathdealer. Movement wise, I had a choice to make, turn towards the middle of the board or see if I can clear the big boy and keep my action. As you can see, I choose the later and, WHEW!, did I cut that close. Not only that, I had enough space to still do a tight turn to get myself back on the board. That is, if my Ghost held out. Sabine drove towards the Gozanti for a second salvo. My T-70, banked to avoid the big ship but still was hoping to snag a glancing blow (and I had been Jammed in the turn previous, so my maneuvering options were limited).

Drew, feeling vulnerable again swarmed with the TIEs and turned his big ship to the left... RIGHT INTO MY T-70!
Take that Abrams-Wing!

Argh! Now I really was in deep bantha poodoo. But, the movie pilot's death was not in vain. As luck would have it, I lost a X-Wing, but Drew last his chance to get back shields. I'd like to think a faint glimmer of hope shown from an imaginary cloud onto my ships.

The combat phase was a nice turn around for me. The TIEs were unable to score any significant damage or were looking the other way. Combined with a bad console fire roll and the Gozanti's guns, though, I was now down to 2 Hull. He even scored another crit, a Weapons malfunction! The glimmer was fading. My response? Beautiful. Oh Sabine, you beautiful Mandalorian punk, how I love you. Capitalizing on the big ship's loss of shields, She laid into him with a full spread of 4 atk dice. Combined with losing a hull from the collision and an Ion Turret shot, Drew's carrier was dropped to 4 hull.

But with 2 hull, my Ghost struggling to stay on the board, and time running out, how could I not accept the inevitable? Well...

Turn 6
Turn 6 saw Drew send his TIEs to try and stop Sabine from having her way with the Gozanti and leaving the job of winning the game to his big guy. I kept the Ghost on the board with a tight turn and let Sabine loose (her ability is pretty powerful) on the main target. Movement was pretty straightforward, until... Drew maneuvered the carrier right over top of Youngster! OH WINDS OF FORTUNE! Not only did that eliminate his most dangerous TIE, but it also prevented him from yet again recovering shields! Also, without Youngster's PS6, Sabine was all clear.

Range 1, 4 Atk Dice, a predator reroll of 2 dice....
Boom. Got him. What a roller-coaster! Literally that game was nowhere near in the bag for me. Honestly, if the Gozanti had gotten off a return salvo, it was likely the Imperials would have won the day. Still, Sabine "MVP" Wren was the star.

Rebels win the day, Imperials are missing a ship, and next time Drew and I switch places. Time to get my Authoritarian Regime on...

Closing Thoughts
  1. You're awesome for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Now go be excellent with the rest of your day!
  2. The combined threat of the DLT and the Vector-swarm is a brutal ship-killing combination. Seriously, I was losing that game since turn 2 because of that combo and the annoying pilot ability of Youngster. 
  3. Youngster has a very bright future in X-Wing... 
  4. Sabine Wren FTEW! Wow are Attack Shuttles a potent little ball of death. Kudos to those with enough disposable cash to field 4 of those in a squadron. A turret, a crew, 3 atk dice, and a possible EPT. I forsee them becoming popular as well.
  5. Outrageous luck absolutely won the day for the Rebels. I really wish I could say it was "all part of the plan" (Joker voice), but two turns of collisions in a row really lead to the outrageous swing in that battle.
Until next time, you stay classy.

March 23, 2016

Every Gamer needs a Group

I would be remiss to start this blog off without shamelessly promoting one of the major enablers of my gaming addiction... errr... HOBBY. I am from the southwestern PA area and I was fortunate to find a sizeable group of gaming "enthusiasts" in the area. Most groups I've either been involved with or known about usually focus on one maxim or one game they all enjoy, and as a result, usually tend to be pretty small, fragile, and fleeting, but no less fanatical. So when I found GASP, I was in for a bit of a shock.

GASP, or the Gaming Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania (visit, was started by a small group of gamers who had a broad taste in games (the history). Thankfully, that rather pan-genre attitude hasn't diminished over the years and as a result, GASP boasts some pretty impressive attendance numbers for both their monthly Games Days and the convention...

Wait... Did you say Convention??? Oh yes I did...

GASPcon is a yearly convention held each November in Monroeville, PA that typically lasts for 3 days and features a number of events and games as well as an ongoing silent auction, vendor hall, and special attractions. Now in it's seventeenth year, I've seen the attendance sore to almost three to four hundred people in a weekend. You may even seen me there running an event or two. ^_^

Now if you think this post is a little "gushing" in terms of its praise, I do have to fess up. I have been a member of the club since 2008 and I currently serve on the group's Royal Court, a group of folks who handle the operations of the club. Regardless, I cannot say enough good things about the group. They have a little of everything for everyone. Boardgames, miniature gaming, RPGs. I've seen folks from teenagers up to golden-agers play in the club, not to mention a good number of families.

If you're interested in an excellent gaming club and you live in the eastern Ohio, northern WV,  or southwestern PA area (Pittsburgh and surroundings), I'd highly encourage you to check them out. Be sure to drop by their website and be sure to sign up for the forums (the link is on the main page).

And thus begins my descent...

Welcome to the first, and I hope the beginning, of a blog chronicling the many adventures in gaming of one humble sage of die and pen, Tioch (pronounced tee-AAk). As you can imagine, the purpose of this blog will be to both talk about the games I've been playing, look forward to playing, and generally find the time even invest in while balancing the real world responsibilities I've been blessed with. 

Just a little about myself to begin. I'm in my thirties and I've been what the layman would call a "gamer" for probably a little over a decade. I have a pretty broad spectrum of gaming-interests from boardgames, miniature games, video games, and even the occassional RPG. Above all else, I love a good story and it's the overall pursuit of my interest in the hobby. In terms of the games you can expect to see on this blog, you'll probably see mentions to games like:
  • Battletech
  • Star Wars: X-Wing
  • Star Wars: Armada
  • Firestorm Armada
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Netrunner
  • Battletech CCG
  • Myth
  • Mercs
  • etc etc etc.. 
Needless to say, I tend towards the sci-fi genre, but my list extends much further. Not to get lost in a sea of gaming nostalgia though, this blog will definitely focus on the most recent endeavors in my "Quest to Waste Time" - my Battletech campaigns and a recent playthrough of the excellent fan-made X-Wing Co-op Campaign: Heroes of the Aturi Cluster. 

More importantly, my real life is that of a dedicated father to two beautiful kids and to my incredible wife who deserves pretty much any accolade I can give her for putting up with and (GASP!) encouraging my hobby. 

So I hope you'll join me. Thanks for reading.